Pursuant to paragraph 702.22(2)(a) of the Canadian Aviation Regulations and after taking into account that the authorization is in the public interest and is not likely to affect aviation safety, I hereby authorize Omega Air Corporation, 4360 Agar Drive, Richmond, BC, to operate a helicopter over a built-up area at altitudes and distances 1ess than those specified in paragraph 602.14(2)(a), subject to the following conditions.

Paragraph 702.22(2)(a) states that for the purpose of subsection 602.15(2)(a) a person may operate an aircraft over a built-up area at altitudes and distances less than those specified in paragraph 602.14(2)(a), if the person has an authorization from the Minister or is authorized to do so in an air operator certificate.


The purpose of this authorization is to allow Omega Air Corporation, 4360 Agar Drive, Richmond, B.C., to operate a helicopter over the City of Vancouver, B.C., at altitudes and distances 1ess than those specified in paragraph 602.14(2)(a) for the purpose of aeria1 photography.


This authorization applies only to Omega Air Corporation, 4360 Agar Drive, Richmond, B.C., when operating over the City of Vancouver, B.C., for the purpose of aerial photography for a Chrysler car Commercial.


This authorization is subject to the following conditions:

  1. The operation shall take place on Friday, April 2, 2004, alternatively; on Sunday, April 4, 2004 between the hours of 10:00 and 15:00 Pacific Standard Time (PST), depending on suitable weather conditions.
  2. Operations shall be conducted within the specified hours, under VFR conditions, using an AS355 type helicopter.
  3. The sites and associated routes of the operation shal1 be as depicted on the map submitted and held on file with Commercial and Business Aviation, Pacific Region; being
  4. Site/Route 1 – Overhead Vancouver downtown at the Howe Street and Hastings Street intersection;
    Site/Route 2 – The Lions Gate Bridge;
    Site/Route 3 – Beach Avenue to Burrard Street bridge;
    Site/Route 4 - Burrard Street Bridge and the area immediately to the West of the bridge, Vancouver, B.C.; and
    Site/Route 5 – Georgia Street viaduct east bound between the Plaza of Nations and the Sky Train underpass.

  5. The aircraft shall at all times be flown along a flight path which, in case of an engine failure or other in-flight emergency necessitating an immediate landing, shall ensure a suitable (autorotational) landing site without endangering persons or property on the ground, or on the water.
  6. The aircraft shall be flown in compliance within the "Height-Velocity" Diagram contained with the approved Aircraft Flight Manual.
  7. The aircraft indicated airspeed (IAS) shall be more than the safe single-engine speed (Vsse) when no suitable landing area is available.
  8. The aircraft shall be configured such that safe single engine fly away is assured at all times.
  9. The aircraft shall conduct a power check immediately before commencing the operation, and the engines shall be at, or above, the manufacturers specifications.
  10. The transit route to and from the sites as under (c) above, shal1 be flown in accordance with Canadian Aviation Regulation 602.14, Minimum Altitude and Distances. When exercising the privileges of this Authorization, the following restrictions shall apply;

    Site/Route 1, as under (c) above – The height of the aircraft shall never be less than 600 feet above sea level (ASL), or not below 50 feet above the highest point on the route, whichever is the higher; No hover operations shal1 be authorized.

    Site/Route 2, as under (c) above - WITH rolling lock off as per Vancouver City Police; The height of the aircraft shal1 never be 1ess then the Lions Gate Bridge deck level. The distance from the Lions Gate Bridge shall never be less than 50 feet.

    WITHOUT lock off as per Vancouver City Police; The height of the aircraft shall never be less then the Lions Gate Bridge deck level. The distance from the Lions Gate Bridge shal1 never be less than 300 feet.

    When passing overhead the bridge, the height of the aircraft shall never be 1ess than:

    1. 50 feet above the height of the support towers when flying over the bridge, north to south; and
    2. the height of the support towers when flying diagonally across the bridge, crossing midway between the support towers.

    The aircraft shall remain over water at all times.

    Site/Route 3, as under (c) above – The height of the aircraft shall never be 1ess than 600 ASL when operating onshore, or never less than 20 feet ASL when operating offshore.

    When operating below 300 feet ASL over water, the aircraft shall remain clear of all vessels by 100 feet.

    When operating below 300 feet ASL over water, Site/Route 3 shal1 terminate 500 feet WEST of the Burrard Street Bridge.

    Site/Route 4, as under (c) above - The aircraft flight path shall be limited to South to North at all times.
    The aircraft shal1 not fly over buildings or assemblies of persons at any time.

    WITH rolling lock off as per Vancouver City Police; the height of the aircraft shall never be 1ess then the Burrard Street Bridge deck level. The distance from the Burrard Street Bridge shall never be less than 50 feet.

    WITHOUT 1ock off as per Vancouver City Police; the height of the aircraft shall never be less then the Burrard Street Bridge deck level. The distance from the Burrard Street Bridge shal1 never be less than 300 feet.

    The approach height of the aircraft shall be 300 feet ASL, starting at English Bay, descending overhead Vernier Park to bridge deck height prior to flying the route as under (c) above.

    Prior to reaching the Burrard Street Bridge North Gate Tower, the aircraft shal1 initiate a left climbing turn toward English Bay, remaining over water at all times, and shall climb to 300 feet ASL.

    The aircraft shall remain West of the Burrard Street Bridge at all times.

    Site/Route 5, as under (c) above - The route shall be limited to between the Plaza of Nations and the Sky Train underpass.

    The height of the aircraft shall never be 1ess then 200 feet above ground level. The aircraft shall remain south of the Georgia Street viaduct at all times.

    The aircraft shal1 remain clear of the Plaza of Nations Building by not less than 200 feet. The horizontal distance from the Georgia Street viaduct shal1 never be less then 50 feet.

    When reaching the Sky Train underpass, the aircraft shall initiate a right climbing turn to 500 feet ASL, proceeding to an "over water position" via the shortest route.

  11. When flight operations are in progress, and lock off as per Vancouver City Police is in place, a Minister of Transportation and Highways sign shall be in place at the Northern and Southern approaches to the Burrard Street Bridge, and Northern AND Southern approaches to the Lions Gate bridge, advising "Helicopter Operations in Progress" or similar, and limiting the rate of speed of motor vehicles to 50 km/hr. (kilometers per hour).
  12. All personnel involved shal1 be briefed on the operation, safety precautions and emergency procedures before flight operations commence.
  13. Persons carried on board the helicopter shall be limited to essential crew only.
  14. Radio communications shall be established between the helicopter and Ground Safety Coordinator.
  15. The operation shall be coordinated with the appropriate Air Traffic Control authority.
  16. A co-ordinated plan for each complete operation shal1 be developed.
  17. The aircraft shall comply with the Commercial Air Service Standards as required under CAR 702.22(2)(b).
  18. A copy of this authority shall be carried on board the aircraft while operating in Canada.


The authorization is in effect until the earliest of the following:

  1. 15:00 hours PST on Sunday, April 4, 2004;
  2. the date on which any of the conditions set out in this authorization is breached; or
  3. the date on which this authorization is cancelled, in writing, by the Minister, where he is of the opinion that it is no longer in the public interest, or that it is likely to affect aviation safety.

Dated at Vancouver, BC, this 1st Day of April, 2004 on behalf of the Minister of Transport.

Henk van Erkelens
Superintendent Rotorcraft
Commercia1 and Business Aviation
for Minister of Transport
Pacific Region

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